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Election Calendar

View the Election Timeline for your HOA's upcoming election.  Be informed on when to watch for election materials and deadlines to participate.  It is important that you participate in your HOA's elections so that a majority quorum is formed and association business may continue smoothly.  We appreciate your participation!

Association Election Rules

Obtain a copy of your Associations Election Rules that are being used to govern this election.  Stay in the know and up to date to make the most informed decision for you  and your community.

Meeting Date, Time Location

To Be Announced once Quorum is Met

Restated CC&Rs & Bylaws

First Restated CC&Rs Approval Requirements: The affirmative votes of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the voting power of the Association, that being members owning at least 31 homes, are necessary to approve the First Restated CC&Rs specified in this ballot.


First Restated Bylaws Approval Requirements: The affirmative votes of at least a majority of the total voting power of the Association, that being members owning at least 24 homes, are necessary to approve the First Restated Bylaws specified in this ballot.

Ballot Replacement Request

If you lost or misplaced or incorrectly filled out your ballot you may request a new one be mailed to you.  Replacement Ballots can only be requested during the period allowed by your associations governing documents and   election rules.  All efforts will be made to get you your replacement ballot in a timely manner allowing you to participate in your community's election.  

Voting Instructions

Have questions about how to fill out your ballot or where to send it when completed?  Read our helpful FAQ and Voting Instructions Guide to get your questions asked and answered 24/7.

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