Custom Services Available
We are happy to customize our services to fit your HOA's specific needs. Below are some of the custom services we can provide. If you have an special requests please don't hesitate to ask.
Custom Election Website

If your HOA does not already have a website with election information, we can build one for you. A custom HOA Election Website would contain election dates and deadlines, updates, candidate information and statements, election information, request forms for replacement ballots, and results. We can even include custom video with voting instructions. You can purchase a domain name and have it stand alone or we can host it on a subdomain at your choice. Cost based on website pages and special requests. Let us know what you need and we will build it for you.
Voting Reminders

To help achieve a quorum on the first ballot we offer voting reminder services. We will either call, mail or email eligible voters in your association and remind them to send in their ballots. We can even do a combination of the three. We will develop a custom follow up campaign to make sure everyone has the chance to participate in the election and a quorum is reached saving the hassle and cost of sending a second or third ballot.
Unsigned Ballot Solutions

If a voter fails to sign the outer envelope, the votes are not counted. For an envelope to be valid, voters "shall" sign their names in the upper left hand corner of the outer envelope. (Civ. Code §5115(c)(1).) An invalid or illegible owner address on the outside of the envelope can also invalidate a ballot. A proper address and signature allows the Inspector to verify a voter's eligibility. At the Inspector's option, the member may be contacted so he/she can sign the envelope. Signed in Inspector's Presence. Members who forget to sign their ballot envelope may go to the Inspector's office, show I.D. and sign the envelope in the Inspector's presence.